• About C.L.U.B. Blessed

    C.L.U.B. Blessed was developed by Coach Stephanie as a wellness program to help her clients achieve optimal health and wellbeing from the inside out. Her 12- Week Healthy Choices for Healthy Outcomes Program takes clients on a journey in 6 areas of wellness for personal development (spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, social and financial) providing strategies to maximize their results long term. Most importantly, the program is built upon foundational biblical principles, and with practical application to take her clients from trauma to triumph.

    Start Your Journey Today

About Coach Stephanie

First in the natural, then in the spirit.

Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore you must glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NKJV)

The Journey…

Coach Stephanie Barboza is an accredited Health & Wellness coach, and the visionary behind C.L.U.B. Blessed. Her individual journey of wellness, growth, adversity, and triumph has paved the way to C.L.U.B. Blessed, which has since impacted thousands of lives over the course of decades. But to understand the heart of the organization today, we must first travel back to before its inception, over 20 years ago. 

Several years ago, Stephanie found herself surrounded by a life that was slowly consuming the purpose on the inside of her. While her original dreams from childhood were to become a Hollywood star, a performer & actress, those dreams seemed to be continually muffled by toxic environments, dysfunctional family trials, and personal struggles.

By the age of 17 she had her first child, at which time she was told that her dreams were over; thus, her battles with addiction began. She continued to struggle through battles of addiction, homelessness, rejection, abandonment, abuse, and the weight of generational curses. One day, (in 1989) she was in a near-death car accident, which left her with PTSD, body dysmorphia due to facial reconstruction, and the sense that the “star” that once dwelled within her was gone for good.

Then, one day, everything changed. Instead of heading out to feed her addiction, she went to a friend’s church building and when she heard music coming from inside She found herself wandering in, and by the end of the service had radically given her life over to Christ. She immediately began seeking help for recovery, and eventually began working in the church, pouring into the lives of others through her radical transformation.

This shift was not only one that was spiritual, but would soon become physical, and mental as well. Now seeing her body as a living vessel of God, she became intentional about her health and wellbeing from the inside out, and doors began to open for her to spread the knowledge and resources that helped her through her darkest season, with others who couldn’t yet see the light at the end of their own tunnel. 

Her story from trauma to triumph led to the birth of C.L.U.B. Blessed (Christ Loves U Best). She knew that what God had done in her wasn’t just for her, but to plant seeds of hope into the lives of so many others. Now, C.L.U.B. Blessed has become that beacon of hope through individual health and wellness coaching, recovery coaching, fitness & nutrition coaching, and spiritual mentorship. She takes an individualized approach with each client, to create optimal wellness structures that they can maintain for years to come.

Stephanie is a Certified Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Specialist, a Recovery Coach, and a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through her work with C.L.U.B. Blessed, in addition to her Healthy Choices Healthy Outcomes life skills program, she is now embodying the essence of what God spoke to her, saying “My people are destroyed by their lack of knowledge, show them and teach them all that I have done for you, and use what I have put in your hands”!

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